Otter Tracking

Otter Tracking
This is not a hidden place but an incredible, fun loving, charismatic hidden animal. Every evening, they walk like a shadow into the oceans and long before you are awake in the morning they are back in their holts, safe and warm. About the size of a small but long dog, they are probably one of the most playful animals known to man. Officially this is a river otter, but they are far more visible in the oceans than in the rivers.

From a young child, when I realised that they existed in South Africa, I had longed to see them and find them. I spent hours tracking them, finding their hidden places and routes, but only saw them physically about five times in twenty years. But eventually things started coming together.

In recent years I have made a film on them, spending lots of time with a mother and her three babies, recording activity yet unknown to science.

The article I provide on this link is a culmination of all my knowledge condensed to a series of walks or activities that you can do around Cape Town to maximise the chance of seeing them. I must warn you though. It might take on average about ten of these activities to give you a good chance of seeing them once. Thats how rare they are. But you will enjoy incredible sunsets or sunrises on all of these activities and amazing scenery and great stories to tell.
As this is a hidden place, and unknown to the tourist industry, the PDF attached, is unlocked after a small fee is paid. The PDF contains full details on how to get to this incredible place along with other fascinating information about the area.

Driving and Safety

How far do your drive?

from Cape Town.

Get Actual Distance/Time

Driving Difficulty?

Tar all the way, no difficult or dangerous inclines or road

Personal Safety

Low risk


Privately owned area or park. Considered safe

How wild, beautiful and Spectacular

How Unknown?

No-one knows it, either found by the Author, told to him by the farmer, or passed on as inheritance knowledge

How Wild?

The wildness of this area is ranked 5/10

How Spectacular?


How beautiful?

Really Beautiful

Walking and Danger

How Tough

Easy - Flat, or up to 100m-200m eg Contour Path at Newlands

Time it takes one direction, no stopping

1 hr Half Day, Low fitness . Allow 4 hours+ for this walk.

Path Quality

Path is clear with infrequent possibilities of mistake, steps good and solid

No Path whatsover

2% is not a path at all.


Path is not exposed

Rock Scrambling

Hands are never used, and no rock scrambling or climbing

Suitable for 9-11 yrs old?


All our walks/hikes/explorations are not suitable for less than 9 year olds. 12 years old plus generally can cope with a lot with the right encouragement.

For R190 you get

Detailed instructions on how to get there
A Map Layout
Hints and tips about the area